When Using A Disabled Placard, Do I Need To Also Have The DMV ID Card?
Q: Diane Braga’s husband has a disabled parking placard and when he received it, the DMV issued instructions on a card regarding the placard’s use. The instructions say, “Department of Motor Vehicles Placard Identification Card. This Identification Card or facsimile copy is to be carried by the placard owner. Present it to any peace officer upon demand.” Braga, who lives in Rancho Cucamonga, said it’s her understanding that whenever a disabled driver displays the placard, a copy of the instructions/ID Card should also be in the vehicle or the owner should carry it when using the placard. She asked if this was indeed the case.
A: Our reader is correct. The disabled parking placard must be displayed and the ID card that comes with it should be in the vehicle or with the driver when the disabled parking placard owner uses the placard, confirmed DMV spokesman Nicholas Filipas. This card helps DMV and/or law enforcement officials confirm the identity of the placard owner in the case of a possible enforcement action, and to prevent people other than the legitimate owner from fraudulently using disabled parking placards.
Q: Hugh Wagoner of Canyon Lake has a 1986 El Camino with what he called a “big engine” that he said is a show car. Wagoner said the El Camino would never pass the California smog test and he asked if there is a way to get a special registration or license for it in California
A: The Department of Motor Vehicles has a webpage, https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/vr/smogfaq, that provides all the information regarding smog tests and registration and which vehicles are exempt. Our reader’s El Camino does not qualify for a smog exemption, said DMV spokeswoman Ivette Burch. Smog inspections are required unless a vehicle is a gas-powered 1975 year model or older, a diesel-powered vehicle from 1997 or older or with a Gross Vehicle Weight rating (GVWR) of over 14,000 lbs., or a natural gas powered vehicle with a GVWR rating of over 14,000 lbs. Electric vehicles. Motorcycles are also exempt.
Q: Maureen Rancho said she was rear-ended by an unlicensed driver and her car was totaled. She said the police did not come to the accident scene. Asked what will happen to the driver.
A: Unfortunately, some busy police departments won’t send an officer to the scene of a car collision if there are no injuries, even if a vehicle involved is badly damaged. The California Highway Patrol, however, will respond to vehicle collisions even if there are no injuries, said CHP Officer Dan Olivas of the Inland Division. Olivas noted that driving without a valid license is a misdemeanor. We don’t know where Rancho lives other than it’s in the Inland Empire.
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The fact that police didn’t respond to the collision in which she was involved doesn’t mean our reader has no recourse, however. One course of action to follow in such a situation would be to take lots of photos at the scene with a cellphone camera, and report the driver and collision to your insurance company. Our reader also could go to the local police station, make a police report, and report the driver who rear-ended her to police for a possible citation. In addition, we should note that California law requires drivers to report any collision with damages over $1,000, injuries or a death to the Department of Motor Vehicle. The DMV could take administrative action against the driver. Finally, our reader also could seek damages in civil court against the driver and/or the registered owner of the vehicle that rear-ended her.
Learn about handicap parking at the website in the link.